
BD Builders


Fused Clapton

Image of Fused Clapton

Fused Clapton

Perfect entry level or advanced user build. Simple build for anyone looking to get into the re-buildable game! This build consists of two round wires fused with a high gauge outer wire.

2 Coils per set, packaged in BD Tubes with a fluffy piece of Muji Cotton!

All coils are 3mm 6 Wrap.
***In notes please specify lead orientation Straight, Bent, or Opposite (Hadaly style)***

Price breaks for purchasing multiple sets.

Resistances are listed in DUAL COIL configuration, multiply by 2 for single coil readings. Resistance values are approximate actual results may vary! Know your ohms law V=IR

Coils made using premium Nichrome 80 (N), Stainless Steel 316L (SS) Kidney Puncher wire.